Lowongan Kerja Bandung April 2015 Terbaru - telah banyak kami sampaikan informasi mengenai Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2015 yang ada di indonesia, Semata - mata untuk membantu anda yang sedang mencari pekerjaan.Berikut ini adalah Lowongan Kerja Bandung April 2015 Terbaru selengkapnya.
lowongan kerja bandung terbaru
Fortune Prima Utama is one of the branch office of PT Prudential Life
Assurance (Prudential Indonesia) located in Bandung, West Java.
Developed in the year of 1995 and a member of Prudential Plc, London -
Indonesia is the proud founder and market leader of "unitlink" product
that combines life assurance together with investment since it was
launched in the year of 1999.
are working together with Eastspring Investment, member of the
Prudential Asean Corporation, which is the best asset management company
in Southeast Asia. Recently received The Asset's Triple A Investor and
Fund Management Awards 2013.
Financial Planner/Perencana Keuangan
Job Description:
Planner's role is to provides the best financial strategies for the
client's personal finance including cash flow management, education
planning, investment planning, risk management, insurance planning, and
retirement planning.
Developes new business opportunity and strategy.
Maintain and preserve business relationship with existing clients.
Requirement :
Minimum education degree of Bachelor with major related to Public Business Management, Finance, or Accounting.
Exceptional Communication and Client Relationship skills.
Professional, presentable and attractive physical appearances.
Male or Female
Fortune Prima Utama provides excellent training, learning, growth
prospects and a clear career path. The company promise the best working
environment, very supportive team members, and vibrant atmosphere for
all of the associates.
PIC - Rene' Widjaja
PT. Fortune Prima Utama
Jl. Pajajaran No. 74, Bandung 40173
Office: 022-6030076
Fax: 022-6046312
Begitu anda membaca Lowongan Kerja Bandung April 2015 Terbaru saya harap akan semakin giat lagi dalam mencari informasi yang anda butuhkan, Demikian juga dengan informasi berikut Info Lowongan Kerja D3 S1 Bandung terbaru bulan ini atau Lowongan Kerja S1 Bandung terbaru 2015 bulan ini juga dapat menambah info pekerjaan yang sedang anda cari. semoga Sukses
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